It is possible to take legal action against a drunk driver that was involved in an accident with you. The amount of damages that you may be able to claim will likely be dependent on a number of factors, however. In addition, it is important to note that a person blowing over the legal limit does not automatically mean that he or she will be determined to be at fault.
How can I make a successful claim against a drunk driver in Virginia?
It can be relatively difficult to successfully claim damages in the state of Virginia. You must prove that the person you are making a claim against was the person at fault. While Breathalyzer tests can help your case, you will probably also need to show additional details in regard to the accident.
The damages that you suffered will also go a long way toward determining how much you can claim. The damages that your vehicle sustained, as well as any injuries that you and your loved ones suffered including emotional trauma, will be assessed.
If you were involved in a car accident involving a drunk driver in the state of Virginia, it is important that you take action as soon as possible if you want to successfully recoup damages.